1937 Commemorative Stamps

There are seven stamps included on this page. $14.99

Scott # Description
795 Map of Northwest Territory commemorating the Ordinance of 1787, expanding the territory of the United States 3c red violet
793 150th Anniversary of the birth of Virginia Dare, the first person of English descent born in the New World (August 1587), at the Settlement of Roanoke Island. 5c grey blue
798 Sesquicentennial of the US Constitution, 3c purple
(note: sent in a glassine envelope)
799 Statue of Kamehameha I, Hawaiian ruler. 3c violet
800 Alaska's Mount McKinley. 3c blue
801 La Fortaleza, Puerto Rico, the first military base on the island. 3c bright violet
802 Charlotte Amalie Harbor, US Virgin Islands. 3c violet